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IBM licenses the freely use of its patents to the third parties interested in fighting against Coronavirus.

Due to COVID-19 pandemic and the urgency for developing emergency solutions, IBM authorized, on May 05, 2020, the free use of more than 80 thousand patent documents. Patent applications which filings occur until the end of 2023 are also included in this decision.

According to the chief consultant Manny W. Schecter, this commitment signed by IBM through the initiative Open Covid Pledge will help any party interested in fighting against the pandemic to not worry about potential patent infringements.

Companies such as Intel, Microsoft, Hewlett Packerd and Facebook have taken similar measures through Open Covid Pledge. The participants commit to license the freely use of their Intellectual Property assets to third parties, provided that the Intellectual Property be used for fighting against COVID-19. Various license agreements may be accepted, but they must meet the organization requirements.

More information is available at

Information related to Open Covid Pledge initiative and license agreements may be obtained at