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ANCINE released public consultation on commercial release of audiovisual works funded with federal resources.

On March 18, 2021, the Brazilian National Film Agency (“ANCINE”) placed under public consultation the proposal of review of the normative instructions that cover the commercial launch of audiovisual works financed with incentivized resources, to evaluate and eventually revise the rules regarding the obligation to commercially release these audiovisual works in theater rooms and television, and the possibility of initial release on streaming platforms. The proposal results from the technological advances in the sector driven by the growth of streaming services during the pandemic of COVID-19.

According to ANCINE, the measure is based on the legal objectives of promoting Brazilian audiovisual works; the expansion of the participation of Brazilian works in the various market segments; the growth in the internationalization of Brazilian audiovisual content; and the technological development of the economic chain of the audiovisual sector.

The public consultation will be available on ANCINE’s website until May 1, 2021. More information is available at: