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Hot Topic – ANCINE will now adopt a quota policy for the 2018 Theatrical Production Contest

The National Film Agency (ANCINE) will now adopt a quota policy for women, transsexual women, afro-descendants and indigenous for the 2018 Theatrical Production Contest, which will result in the allocation of approximately USD 30,000,000 from the Audiovisual Sectorial Fund (FSA) to independent fiction, documentary or animation feature films.

The changes in the Contest’s Call now provides that at least 35% of the amount invested by FSA must be allocated to films directed by women and transsexual women, and at least 10% of this amount will be reserved to films with afro-descendants and indigenous directors.

The decision was a result of demands from entities and associations of the audiovisual sector, as well as on a broad diagnosis made by ANCINE on gender and race in the Brazilian audiovisual market, which detected that over 75% of the films released in 2016 were directed by white male directors. With this measure, ANCINE expects to diversify the national audiovisual production, encouraging products that reflect the image and reality of the Brazilian population.

The full press statement is available (in Portuguese) at