BPTO allows the first application for position mark
We are proud to announce that Osklen is the owner of the first position mark allowed by the Brazilian Trademark Office. The Brazilian company, known for the quality and unique style of its products and for its commitment to enviromental sustainability, is aware of the importance of  protecting its intangible assets in Brazil and abroad. (...)
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BPTO publishes rules on transgenic plants
On May 9, 2023, the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO) published the Technical Note INPI/CPAPD No. 01/2023, which addresses the patentability of transgenic plants-related inventions, specially the elite events (when a plant is modified by stable insertion of an exogenous DNA by means of molecular tools, in a specific locus of the genetic material, (...)
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Murta Goyanes will attend the INTA Annual Meeting in Singapore
INTA’s 145th Annual Meeting will take place in Singapore from May 16 to 20, 2023. The event, which is considered the largest gathering of its kind, will once again bring together the most influential brand professionals from across the globe. It is an unique opportunity to discuss key issues and the future of IP, and connect with clients and peers (...)
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Luiza Duarte Pereira and João Gebara will discuss the current scenario of IP in Portugal, Brazil and Angola
Our partners Luiza Duarte Pereira and João Marcos Gebara will discuss key trends and share their expectations for 2023 in the webinar “Portugal, Brazil and Angola: current scenario of IP and perspectives for 2023”, promoted by JALP – Associação Internacional de Jovens Advogados de Língua Portuguesa and the OAB/RJ Industrial Property Committee.  The event will take (...)
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Matheus Laupman is appointed auditor of the Sports Justice of the São Paulo Handball Federation
It is with great satisfaction that we announce that the OAB-SP has appointed Murta Goyanes’ lawyer, Matheus Laupman, as auditor of the Sports Justice of the São Paulo Handball Federation. According to the letter sent to the entity, Laupman becomes an Effective Member of the Special Commission on Sports Law to represent the OAB in (...)
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BPTO discloses the 2023 Action Plan
On April 27, 2023, the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO) published Ordinance PR No. 15, which presents its 2023 Action Plan. Said document provides information on performance indexes, as well as projects for the year, in accordance with the Strategic Plan 2023-2026.  The topics below are some of the projects expected to be started in 2023:  automating the patent prosecution flow; standardization (...)
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BPTO launches a public consultation about new Ordinance regarding general procedures related to form and content of patent applications and certificates of addition
On April 20, 2023, the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO) launched a public consultation regarding the draft of a new Ordinance regulating general procedures related to form and content of patent applications and certificates of addition, as well as aspects related to priorities, grace period, divisional applications and submission of amendments. Interested parties may send (...)
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Murta Goyanes Advogados will be at the Rio2C, the biggest creative event in Latin America 
From today to Sunday, the creative industries will be concentrated in Cidade das Artes, in Rio de Janeiro, and Murta Goyanes will accompany every detail through the participation of Tatiana Suschko, Marcelo Goyanes, Beatriz Paci, Bárbara Zonis, Ricardo Studart and Leticia Carneiro. Rio 2C is the biggest Creative event in Latin America, and will bring (...)
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