BPTO extends the proceeding of preliminary office action to patent applications filed in 2017.
Further to Resolutions Nos. 240 and 241, of July 9, 2019, the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO) published, on March 30, 2021, the Ordinance No. 241, which extends the proceedings related to the issuance of a preliminary office action to patent applications filed between January 1st and December 31st, 2017, so as to collaborate (...)
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The Brazilian Supreme Court declares the constitutionality of a state law that prohibits certain food advertising for children and teenagers.
The plenary of the Supreme Court (STF) unanimously dismissed the Direct Unconstitutionality Action (“ADI”) 5631, proposed by the Brazilian Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters (ABERT) against Bahia’s State Law No. 13582 of 2016, that prohibited the advertising of foods and drinks low in nutrients and with a high content of sugar, saturated fats or sodium focused on children. The justices reached (...)
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IFPI report indicates 7.4% annual growth in the music market.
The International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) announced on March 23 that paid streaming, with approximately 443 million subscribers, boosted the global music industry, which achieved a 7.4% growth in 2020. Digital music streaming platforms, including Spotify, Apple and Deezer, generate 62.1% of global revenue from music. Leading sales in 2020 is the successful (...)
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The Brazilian PTO’s operation from March 26, 2021 until April 1, 2021 and extension of deadlines.
The Brazilian PTO will be closed from March 26, 2021 until April 1, 2021. Deadlines expiring on these dates will automatically be extended to April 5, 2021
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The Brazilian Supreme Court understands that Screen Quotas are constitutional.
In Brazil, as well as in other countries around the world, theaters are obliged to exhibit a minimum quantity of national audiovisual works. According to Article 55 of Provisional Measure No. 2228/2001, every year the President issues a decree establishing the Screen Quotas for the following year. In the record of the Extraordinary Appeal (RE) (...)
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ANCINE released public consultation on commercial release of audiovisual works funded with federal resources.
On March 18, 2021, the Brazilian National Film Agency (“ANCINE”) placed under public consultation the proposal of review of the normative instructions that cover the commercial launch of audiovisual works financed with incentivized resources, to evaluate and eventually revise the rules regarding the obligation to commercially release these audiovisual works in theater rooms and television, (...)
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ABES discloses its results in the fight against pirated software in Brazil.
On March 11, 2021, the Brazilian Association of Software Companies (ABES) announced the removal of 79,177 content that violated intellectual property rights of its members. According to the entity, ABES removed 56,928 links that violated intellectual property, 19,004 that promoted pirated software, and 110 sites that allowed illegal downloads, only in 2020. The entity’s initiative allows companies to make (...)
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Brazil’s Superior Court of Justice defines the statute of limitation for claiming damages in case of violation of author’s moral rights.
The Brazilian Superior Court of Justice (STJ) granted the appeal filed by the record company Sony Music Brasil, recognizing the statute of limitations for claiming damages in case of unauthorized use of photographs1. The Rio de Janeiro Civil Court had initially granted the plaintiff’s request, and concluded that the statute of limitations does not apply to author’s moral rights. Sony Music appealed to the STJ, (...)
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