Marcelo Goyanes participates in debate regarding VOD panorama in Brazil
Marcelo Goyanes will be a panelist of the seminar “VOD panorama in Brazil”, at MIS São Paulo, in Jan 23th and 24th. Organized by three entities of the audiovisual industry – Associação Paulista de Cineastas, Brasil Audiovisual Independente e Sindicato da Indústria Audiovisual do Estado de São Paulo -, the event will promote a debate of the (...)
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Hot Topic – Authorization for use of an individual’s image
According to a recent decision¹ issued by the State Court of São Paulo, in the absence of a written agreement, the term of an authorization for use of an individual’s image (likeness) cannot be presumed to exceed 10 years. In this case, the plaintiff’s mother had authorized the use of the image of her daughter (...)
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Hot Topic – Advertisement of alcoholic beverages
Conar (the National Council of Self-Regulation in Advertising) recently issued Note No. 091/2017 regarding the advertisement of alcoholic beverages, aiming to reinforce the necessary cautions for communication with consumers, which is emphasized during summer and carnival seasons. The following guidelines are highlighted: not induce excessive or irresponsible consumption of alcoholic beverages, not appeal to sexuality as (...)
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Client Alert – Registration of domain names under the extension is now available
The Brazilian Domain Name Registry, the entity responsible for the registration and maintenance of Brazilian domain names, will make available registration of domain names under the extension, as of January 17, 2018, at 12 pm. The registration of domain names will be exclusive and restricted to (i) legal entities incorporated in Brazil with (...)
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Hot Topic – Software companies don’t bear the burden of proving that their software is being used without license
According to a recent decision¹ issued by the State Court of Rio Grande do Sul, software companies do not bear the burden of proving that their software is being used without a license. In this case, an inspection was carried out at the defendant’s premises and showed that the software was installed on its computers. (...)
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Hot Topic – TV shows are not required to preserve the identity of suspects in the news
According to a recent decision1 rendered by the 1st Federal Court of Curitiba, Paraná, TV shows are not required to preserve the identity of suspects in the news. In this case, the Court held that freedom of press should prevail over the fundamental rights of suspects, and that prior censorship would amount to unconstitutional and (...)
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Hot Topic – The Brazilian Superior Court of Justice rendered a decision binding lower courts in analogous cases involving trade unfair competition
On December 13, 2017, the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice rendered a decision binding lower courts in analogous cases involving trade dress disputes, unfair competition and nullity of trademark registrations. The Court confirmed that State Courts hold jurisdiction over disputes about trade dress of products, unfair competition and other related matters, since they do not involve registrations granted (...)
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Partner of Murta Goyanes Advogados will lecture a course about “IP Agreements”
Partner of Murta Goyanes Advogados, Luiza Duarte will teach Educanpei’s course about IP Agreements, on Dec 13thand 14th, in São Paulo. With the concept of continuing education, Educanpei offers training routes and opportunities of networking and collective learning in several cities of Brazil. During the 16-hour program, Luiza will present the particularities of contractual arrangements (...)
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