The 2nd Private Chamber of the São Paulo Court of Appeals accepted Google’s request1 to keep online a video from the “Diva Depression” channel, on YouTube, which criticized a brand of jeans. The lawsuit was filed by Planet Girls Comércio de Roupas Ltda., alleging that a video posted on YouTube by the channel Diva Depression, (...)
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The 6th Public Treasury Court of Sao Paulo maintained a fine imposed to Bauducco because it considered abusive the advertising aimed at children which promoted the exchange of Bauducco products packaging, along with the payment of approximately USD 1.50, for watches with images of characters from the movie “Shrek”¹. In this case, the consumer protection (...)
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Federal Police conducts operation against copyright infringement On January 15, 2019, the Federal Police launched operation “Copyright”, aimed at investigating crimes of copyright infringement and criminal association by a website that allowed users to illegally download movies, games and music. Created nine years ago, the website had 140,000 users registered in different countries, including Brazil, (...)
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Requests for recordal of technology agreements increase 3.5%
In 2018, there was a 3.5% increase in the number of requests for recordals of agreements involving the licensing of industrial property rights, technology transfer, technical assistance services and franchises filed before the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO). Last year, 1,207 new requests for recordals were filed, while in 2017 there were 1,166. Regarding (...)
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Software applications increase 48%
In 2018, there was a considerable increase of 48.4% in the number of software applications filed before the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO). Last year 2,511 new applications were filed, while in 2017 there were 1,692. Regarding the registrations granted by the BPTO, there was a decrease of 6.7%, from 5,507 in 2017 to (...)
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Backlog of industrial designs decrease 63%
In 2018, there was a significant decrease of 63% in the number of industrial design applications awaiting for a decision, considerably reducing the backlog of the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO). While in December 2017, 9,288 applications were awaiting a decision by the BPTO, in December 2018 the number was only of 3,433 applications. (...)
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Patent grants increase 77%
In 2018, the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO) granted 11,090 patents. Compared to the previous year, when there were 6,250 grants, the increase was of 77.4%. Regarding the BPTO’s backlog, there was a reduction of 7.4%, dropping from 225,115 to 208,341 applications awaiting for a decision in 2018. There was also a decrease of (...)
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BPTO and JPO renew PPH between Brazil and Japan
The Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO) continues expanding international cooperation through Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) agreements. Starting in April, the BPTO will initiate the second phase of the PPH agreement with the Japan Patent Office (JPO), which will last until April of 2021, according to an agreement signed by representatives of both patent offices (...)
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