The BPTO publishes ordinance to facilitate the control of annuity payments
On December 19, 2023, Ordinance INPI/PR No. 52 was published, regulating procedures related to the control of payment of annual fees, shelving of patent applications, and extinction of patents, as well as the restoration of patent applications and patents, in accordance with Articles 84 to 87 of Law No. 9,279/96 (BIPL). Many of these procedures (...)
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The BPTO establishes a new order for technical examination of patent applications
On December 13, 2023, the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO) published in its official Gazette a technical note providing greater detail concerning the proposal that culminated in the modification of procedures in the distribution of patent applications for the conduction of the technical examination. According to the BPTO’s statement of December 12, and the (...)
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The Brazilian National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) approves “Skinny Labeling” in Brazil
On December 6, 2023, the Board Resolution (RDC) No. 831 was published, amending RDC No. 47 of September 8, 2009, which establishes rules for the elaboration, harmonization, updating, publication, and availability of medicament labels for patients and healthcare professionals. RDC No. 831 modifies the prior resolution with regard to the requirement that labels for generic (...)
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Alice Rayol will teach a class on vaccine patents at UFRJ
Our partner Alice Rayol was invited to participate in the postgraduate program in Immunology and Inflammation at UFRJ. On December 5, from 1 pm to 2:20 pm, Alice will teach a class on patents in vaccines within the discipline Vaccinology.
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Matheus Laupman will give a lecture about Sports Law at PUC-SP
On the 30th, our partner Matheus Laupman will give a lecture on “Introduction to Sports Law”, with Ricardo Horta, Ricardo Sampaio, Roberto de Palma Barracco and Vitor de Checchi Garcia. As part of the event celebrating 10 years of the Sports Law Center of PUC-SP. The event will begin at 2pm at the 239 auditorium (...)
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Murta Goyanes is featured in the ranking The Legal 500 Latin America
It is with great satisfaction that we announce that once again Murta Goyanes figures in the ranking The Legal 500 Latin America. The firm is cited in the areas of Intellectual Property and Media. Our partner Marcelo Goyanes was highlighted in the category “Leading Individuals”. Congratulations, team!
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Marcelo Goyanes will mediate the panel “A global vision of AI in Music Creation, Distribution and Consumption”
As a start to one of the most relevant events of the music industry in Brazil, our partner Marcelo Goyanes will mediate the panel “A global vision of AI in Music Creation, Distribution and Consumption” at the Trends Brasil Conference. As from 11:35 am, in the main room, the panel will have Andrew Jervis (Bandcamp), (...)
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Antonio Murta and Alice Rayol will attend the World Congress of AIPPI 2023
Until October 25, the AIPPI 2023, International Congress on Intellectual Property, is taking place in Istanbul, with the participation of our founding partner Antonio Murta and Dra. Alice Rayol, patent specialist in the pharma and life science industries.
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